Resolved Issues:
Plumbing Waste Line required to be off basement stairs, line was run through the foundation, gas lines refused because of County protected road, Dirt Fill needed in backyard as per Town of Islip, Septic Tank dug up for Sewer a Approval. Removed all Code violations.
Resolved Issues:
No gas or oil, installed an electric heat system with HVAC, Propane tank permit took months from County, Town cited violations with Plumbing, Electric and HVAC...all resolved...house sold for 1.4 million..
Resolved Issues:
Gas lines refused again because of County protected road, Many Code issues removed after Code Inspected cited violations, Back Patio Deck completely removed because of Town Requirements
Resolved Issues:
Existing Code Violations removed, HVAC system was replaced with HERS report findings, Demolition and debris certificate was required by this municipality